Southwestern power networks completed a 19 million-ruble project to overhaul substations

Branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) Southwestern power networks has summed up the results of the repair programme 2017. One of the key indicators of the company’s productivity is upgrade and repair of high-voltage substations. In total, the branch repaired equipment of seven high-voltage substations in the previous year. The project exceeded 19 million rubles.

Our engineers repaired high-voltage equipment of several substations: “Varenikovskaya”, “Nikitinskaya”, “Novorossiysk”, “Kholmskaya”, “NovoRes”, “Tonnelnaya”, “Dzhiginskaya”. These substations keep lights on for over 120 public facilities and some major enterprises of Novorossiysk, Anapa, Abinsk and Krymsky districts of Krasnodar region.

Yegor Voitsekhovsky, chief engineer of the Southwestern power networks, said: “Well-timed and efficient implementation of the repair programme will help ensure local homes and businesses receive a reliable power supply now and for years to come. We carry out our projects in accordance with the well-considered programme. In the process we strive to set up a schedule of repairs so that to minimize disruption.”

The responsibility area of the branch includes 77 high-voltage substations that regularly undergo maintenance, repair and upgrading.