32 million rubles’ project to overhaul power lines in the Krasnodar region

As part of the Repair Programme, power engineers from Krasnodar branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) plan to overhaul 67 overhead power lines in 2018. Kubanenergo plans to invest 32.5 million rubles in this project.

In accordance with the capital repair plan, our repair crews will replace 468 old poles, wires and insulators, and tighten the weakened sections of the wires.

This year it is also planned to clear more than 81.6 hectares of power line rights-of-way from trees and vegetation on the territory of the Krasnodar region (Dinskoi, Seversky and Goryachy Klyuch districts of the Krasnodar region, Takhtamukaosky and Teuchezhsky districts, Adygeisk of the Republic of Adygea).

Vladimir Dametkin, head of 35kV and lower lines service (Krasnodar power networks), said: “Timely clearing of rights-of-way helps prevent accidents caused by trees. During storms, trees often fall across lines causing outages by breaking lines or short circuiting them, which lead to technological disruptions in operation of grid facilities.”