Kubanenergo and authorities of Kalininsky district discussed the future of the district’s power grid

Timashevskiye power networks, branch of Kubanenergo, and administration of Kalininsky district, Krasnodar region, have met to discuss the further development of the district’s power grid facilities and the ways of enhancing power quality.

At the meeting the participants discussed the ways of cooperation between the power engineers and the municipal services to tackle electricity thefts. Another points of issue were the procedure of arranging work near overhead lines and assistance in removing trees and tall shrubs from the rights-of-way. The participants also touched upon the question of so called unclaimed power facilities that Kubanenergo PJSC might take into ownership.

Sergei Sobolev, head of Timashevskiye power networks, said: “We have set up the meeting, because we are sure that if our branch joins forces with the district authorities, rural administrations and community it will help ensure reliable and safe power supply in Kalininsky district.”

Power engineers and the authorities agreed on extending cooperation in tackling the unaccounted and unauthorized consumption of electricity. It was decided to inspect and put in order electricity meters at facilities owned or used by the district and municipal administrations. Also it planned to step up the campaign on detecting households and street lights connected without due authorization and preventing such cases in the future. The participants also arranged to form specials groups whose task will be detecting the unaccounted and unauthorized consumption of electricity. Such groups will include Cossacks, law-enforcement officers and representatives of local administrations.