440 million rubles to construct new power facilities in the Krasnodar region

In 2017 the Krasnodar branch of  Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) constructed 1070 power facilities and commissioned 50 MVA of capacity for subsidized households in suburbs of Krasnodar, Dinskoy, Severskyand  Goryacheklyuchevskoy districts of the region and  Takhatamukaisky and Teuchezhsky districts if the Republic of Adygea. The power project cost about 440 million rubles.

Among the constructed facilities there are 0.4-10 kV overhead transmission lines for total length of about 250 km, more than 800 transformers of 10/0.4 kV. The main goal of this project is to create capacity for connection of new consumers, as well as continue to deliver an excellent service to the existing customers.

Consumers belonging to the preferential category can apply for connection once in three years in one municipality. The power indicated in the application should not exceed 15 kW including the previously connected capacity. The straight distance from the connection plot to the network (up to 20 kW inclusive) shall not exceed 500 metres in rural area and 300 metres in urban area.

To get information and conclude a contract, customers from the area covered by the Krasnodar branch of Kubanenergo can visit out Consumer Service Centre at 131 Pashkovskaya street, Krasnodaror, phone 8 (861) 255-79-84, or go to the website of Kubanenergo PJSC.