Kubanenergo: New Year holidays with Electrical Safety Rules

During New Year school holidays employees from Tikhoretskiye electric networks, branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) and Youth Policy Centre of Tikhoretsk region conducted events on prevention of electrical injuries among children. Employees of Tikhoretskiye electric networks were distributing leaflets and brochures with electrical safety rules on the square near the Community Centre.

They wished everyone Happy New Year and safe holidays, told about the danger of electricity and how to observe simple rules at home and on the streets to a void electrical injury. They also told the teenagers about the danger of making selfies near power facilities.

Everyone could try on the special clothes, examine personal protective devices and make selfies with Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Children of the branch’s employees also took part in this event.

Valeiy Gondar, director of Tikhoretskiye electric networks, branch of Kubanenergo, said: “For about ten years employees of Kubanenergo, our branch as well, have been conducting such events and safety lessons at schools across the region. We always try to improve our lessons and deliver important and vital safety rules by means of a game. This is not the first time when our employees conduct their lessons outdoors. We are happy that such events are well supported by public organizations, we are often invited to schools, nursery schools and colleges. It is important that parents and teachers do not stand aside and take part in teaching children electrical safety do’s and don’ts.”