Leningradsky branch of Kubanenergo is summing up the results of repair of high-voltage power lines

In 2017 specialists from Leningradsky branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) inspected and carried out maintenance works on overhead power lines in five districts of the region. The total length of the inspected power lines is 1766 km.

During these inspections, our crews checked condition of reinforced concrete and metal pylons and foundations, fire safety condition of overhead lines, presence of warning signs on the pylons and the width of forest firebreaks.

Power engineers replaced dozens of pylons, over 3 600 insulators, about 34 km of wire, and also cleared 31 hectares along the power lines right-of-ways from vegetation.

According to Roman Sheblakov, director of Leningradsky branch of Kubanenergo: “The branch focuses on preparatory work for the winter period. All repair and maintenance activities are executed according to schedule; the crews are supplied with all necessary equipment and material.”