Southwestern branch of Kubanenergo processed more than 6 thousand applications for grid connection

Since the beginning of 2017 customers centres and offices of Southwestern branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group) have received 6 602 applications for connection to networks of Kubanenergo for a total capacity 135.9 MW.

6117 applications for technological connection were received from individuals (privileged category consumers) with maximum capacity of power receivers 15 kW; 485 applications were received from small and medium businesses.

Dmitry Golovakha, director of Southwestern branch, said: “The Southwestern branch has two centres and three offices for customers. We are ready to consult on power supply, help with documents on technological connection, help make written request including requests on additional electric grid services.”

Since the beginning of 2017 the customers centres and offices have accepted more than 6 thousand applications. About 3 thousand consumers were consulted in person and more than 3.5 thousand on phone. Customers dwelling in this power district are mostly interested in connection to electric grids of the Company and additional services.

In order to submit an application, individuals and legal entities can contact Kubanenergo PJSC by 24/7 hot-line 8-800-100-15-52 (toll free across Russia).

Kubanenergo PJSC also serves clients online at by receiving applications at “Personal account”.