Power engineers discovering new methods of work on overhead power lines

More than 30 specialists from Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) have taken part in a training course “Labour protection while working on overhead power lines under induced voltage.” The event was held at the Power Engineering Institute of Advanced Training of Kubanenergo PJSC, which is an educational and methodological labour protection centre for employees of fuel and energy complex.

This course is designed for professional re-training of electrical engineers and electrical linemen engaged in maintenance of electrical installations, conducting operational switching in them, organizing and performing construction, installation, commissioning, repair work, as well as tests and measurements.

During five days, the course participants were trained to determine induced voltage values ??on disconnected high-voltage lines; they studied in detail the theoretical and practical aspects of determining the induced voltage on disconnected overhead lines located near active overhead lines.

In addition, the specialists learned about the main changes in the “Safety rules related to the operation of electrical installations” in order to ensure safe work on overhead lines under induced voltage.

At practical classes, the students and their instructor analyzed investigations of accidents with line personnel on overhead lines under induced voltage. The course programme ended by a guided tour around the training ground of the Institute.

Dmitry Pchelinov, course instructor, said: “Linemen performing work on overhead lines often have to deal with induced voltage. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to have a legal and theoretical knowledge for a competent and safe conduct of works.”