575 million rubles invested in construction of power facilities in Krasnodar district

From the beginning of the year, 655 new facilities with a total capacity of 43MW have been commissioned by Krasnodar branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) on the territory of Krasnodar, Dinskoy, Seversky, Goryacheklyuchevskoy districts of the region, as well as Takhtamukaysky and Teuchezhsky districts of the Republic of Adygea. For these purposes, 575 million rubles were allocated.

Among the constructed objects are 193km of lines and more than 180 transformer substations of the distribution network 0.4-10 kV.

12 of the new facilities are designed to supply social infrastructure. These are nursery schools and schools in Dinskoy and Seversky Districts, a logistics centre in Novotitarovskaya village, Dinskoy district, children’s art school and sports schools in Takhtamukaysky and Teuchezhsky districts of the Republic of Adygea.

Vladimir Mikhaylov, director of Krasnodar electric networks, said that the main goal of construction of power facilities was to create a possibility of connection of new consumers, as well as increase quality of supply to already connected customers.

To obtain information and conclude a connection contract, customer of the Krasnodar branch of Kubanenergo can apply to the Consumer Service Centre at: 131 Pashkovskaya street, Krasnodar, or by phone (861) 255-79-84. Such information is also available at the website of Kubanenergo PJSC:  www.kubanenergo.ru.