The first graduates of the course “Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics, Electrotechnology” of the Power Institute of Kubanenergo

Defense of diploma projects on a new programme of professional retraining of power company employees on the course “Electrical engineering, Electromechanics and Electrotechnology” has finished at the Power Institute of Advanced Training of Kubanenergo PJSC. 18 promising specialists and heads of structural divisions of the company became the first graduates of the new educational programme.

During the entire period of education, the students studied the structure of the electric power industry, the features of functioning and operation of power grid equipment, power supply systems of the national economy. In addition, they acquired the skills in organizational and management activities, raised the level of competence in matters of financial and economic planning, production, technological and operational areas necessary for implementation of new types of professional duties at the power companies. The programme of professional retraining is designed for 500 academic hours.

Evgeny Rud, the principal of the Power Institute, said: “ We have initiated this new training programme for the specialists and managers in electricity sector. The programme is designed taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the power grid complex, which will allow the students to gain knowledge and skills in planning, organizing and controlling the production activities of the electric power enterprise’s subdivisions.”