Kubanenergo overhauls power lines in Korenovskiy district

Engineers from Ust-Labinskiy branch of Kubanenergo PJSC  (Rosseti Group) are to replace faulty porcelain insulators with the new glass ones on 35kV power line “Sergievskaya – Rossiya”. In total, it is planned to install 67 new insulators on 32 reinforced concrete poles.

The work is carried out in several stages: it started in spring before the agricultural works and will continue in August and September after the harvest time. This project will replace porcelain insulator with the ones made of strained glass. The latter has higher insulating efficiency, mechanical integrity and thermal and chemical stability. It is easier to spot faults and defect on glass insulators and what’s important –  no additional equipment is need for this. Thus, our engineers would perform repair in short time and avoid power cuts.

Our teams will replace 8 sets of overhead line hardware with the modern overhead dead ends.  The new equipment provides more reliable coupling between suspension insulator strings and fittings, unlike bolted connection and heat sealing.

Also it is planned to repair 14 poles and 41 pole basements and clear 1.78 hectares of tress and vegetation around power lines.

It is important to note that the company will conduct the project using own funds and resources without inviting contractors.

Mikhail Suvorov, director of Ust-Labinskiye electric networks, said: “Our main task is to get ready for winter and our teams are on schedule, the repair teams are supplied with all necessary materials, equipment and devices.”