Engineers are increasing reliability of networks in Severskiy district

In order to increase reliability of power supply to consumers in Severskiy district of the Krasnodar region, Kubanenergo PJSC has developed and is implementing a range of activities in the district. They include: repair and reconstruction of electric grid facilities.

Among the planned works are replacement of about 90 poles of transmission lines of 0.4 and 10 kV distribution network; replacement of 25 km of wire, clearing of power line right-of-ways from vegetation, including those located in remote areas of the foothills.

Because of the extreme heat in Kuban, leading to an abnormal increase in electricity consumption, and also in order to minimize inconvenience for the district’s consumers, scheduled maintenance and reconstruction work will be postponed to a later date. Works on reconstruction of the power grid complex of Severskiy district will resume after the period of peak loads ends.

We should remind that all branches of Kubanenergo PJSC are still on standby to deal with any disturbances.

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