Kubanenergo newspaper wins “The Press Service of the Year – 2016”

The award ceremony for the winners in the annual international contest among PR departments “The Press Service of the Year – 2016” was held on April 20 in Moscow.  The corporate newspaper of  Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group) was ranked the best in nomination “The Best Newspaper Cover”.

The contest has been held for the 9th year in a row and is considered to be one of the top contests among PR professionals in Russia. This year the judges ranked over 500 projects submitted by PR departments and press services from all over the country and neighbouring countries. The contest had 14 categories. Its founder and organiser is publishing house “Image-media”.

Timur Aslanov, chairman of judges, chief editor of “Press Service” magazine and founder of publishing house “Image-media”, said: “We’ve created “The Press Service of the Year” contest for all professionals engaged in PR. We accept applications from companies and from individual employees as well. The project for the contest does not have to be big and monumental, but it has to be interesting and distinctive; the kind of project that fascinates PR professionals. It should also be useful for the company. It could be corporate newspaper or creative PR campaign or even some unusual and noteworthy press releases. We are searching for out of the box ideas and interesting implementation.”         

Newspaper of Kubanenergo is a supplement to corporate newspaper of Rosseti PJSC – “Russian Grids” and is issued monthly with circulation of 1600 copies. The newspaper covers the latest news and events of the company and acts as a link between the management and thousands of the company’s employees.