Kubanenergo is investing over 5 million rubles in Krasnodar branch on training and professional development of its employees

More than 350 employees of Krasnodar branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group)  will undergo training courses this year. For that purposes the Company will invest over five million rubles.

120 employees of Krasnodarskiye electric networks completed their training courses and upgraded their qualifications in the 1st quarter of 2017.

The technical staff was offered the following courses: advanced training, personnel training, precertification training and safety certification for directors and specialists. The Company pays particular attention to development of technical staff. For them the Company arranged additional qualification courses and training courses. Candidates for managerial posts can take up courses “Management”, “Chief Engineer” and “Dispatcher” courses at Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Staff development programme of Kubanenergo includes 180 licensed courses that correspond to requirements of the RF legislation and supervisory state agencies.

In 2016 the Company prepared and introduced yet another professional development programme “Development and selling of services course”. The strategy of the company’s further development and level of employees’ qualifications determine the necessity and direction of new course and training programmes.

Vladimir Mikhailov, director of Krasnodarskiye electric networks, said: “It is necessary to develop and expand professional skills in order to fit the requirement and keep up with technology. And for our employees it creates new career opportunities”