Kubanenergo repaired three large substations in Timashevskiy district

Timashevskiy branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group) overhauled three substations of 110kV under the Repair Programme 2017.

Engineers replaced high-voltage bushings at the substations “Primorsko-Akhtarskaya” and “Kalininskaya”, repaired voltage regulation and replaced drive at substation “Chelbasskaya”.

Alexander Konovsky, head of the substation service of Timashevskiye electrical networks, said: “The performed works were carried out in accordance with the approved Repair Programme of Kubanenergo and were one of the stages of preparation of power equipment for the period of maximum climatic loads.”

The repaired equipment will provide reliable power supply to households and business as well as a number of socially amenities, including water supply facilities, treatment facilities, etc. In total, our engineers plan to repair 13 large substations in 2017.

Sergei Sobolev, director of Timashevskiye electrical networks, said: “Technical measures carried out by our personnel will ensure reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity for consumers in the northwestern part of Kuban, which is more than three hundred thousand people."