Forty million rubles to repair equipment in Tikhoretskiy district in 2017

Tikhoretskiye electrical networks, branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group), plan to spend over 40 million rubles on repair programme in five districts of the branch’s service area in 2017.

Employees Tikhretskiy of the branch Kubanenergo are planning to repair equipment of the high-voltage substations “Novorozhdestvenskaya”, “Otradnaya”, “Bolshevik” in Tikhoretskiy district, “Kugoeyskaya” in Krylovskoy district, “Leninodarskaya” in Pavlovskiy district, “Stepnaya” in Beloglinskiy district and “Novopokrovskaya” in Novopokrovskiy district.

Out engineers will also perform major repairs of 15 high-voltage transmission lines of the main network by replacing old poles, insulators, wires and grounding wires. In addition, w around 30 hectares of protected zones of transmission lines will be cleared from trees and shrubs.

A considerable amount of work is to be done with the distribution network. It is planned to replace around 400 poles, more than three thousand insulators and 113 km of cable.

Valeriy Gondar, director of Tikhoretskiye electrical networks, said: “Repair of the main and auxiliary equipment at substations and power lines are held annually in accordance with the approved schedule and the plan. Our main task is to improve the quality and reliability of electricity supply for large enterprises and important social facilities as well as for residential customers in rural settlements.”