Kubanenergo boost safety of energy facilities in Anapa district

South-Western electric network, branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group), will upgrade safety systems of three substations in Anapa district. The project will be carried out at substations “Airport”, “Kotloma” and “Dzhemete”, which  keep lights on for more than 49 thousand properties and 50 social facilities.

Modern engineering and technical means of protection will enable our engineers to carry out day and night (on-line) monitoring of the substations and the surrounding area, to prevent unauthorized access and crimes at grid facilities.

Dmitry Golovakha, director of South-Western electric networks, branch of Kubanenergo, said: “Thanks to the new security system, we will enhance protection of high-voltage substations which provide electricity to consumers, social facilities and some resorts of Anapa.”

Modernisation of protection systems will be carried out within the framework of the investment programme of Kubanenergo for 2017. The project will cost more than 960 thousand rubles.