Kubanenergo: safety rules for kids and their parents

Safety advisers from Ust-Labinskiye electric networks, branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group), conducted safety several meetings for teachers, children and parents at schools in Korenovskiy district.

Our specialists and teachers of educational institutions arranged school meetings on electrical safety for children and their parents. One of such lessons was organized for students of the secondary school No.1 in Korenovsk where Kubanenergo staff urged adults to remind schoolchildren that it is important to observe electrical safety rules at home and on the street.

They used various video to emphasize vital safety messages and explain the danger of going near a broken conductor lying on the ground or fallen wires hanging on the trees, playing near electrical equipment and using faulty electrical appliances.

Mikhail Suvorov, director of Ust-Labinskiye electric networks, said:  “We try to explain to children in fun and easy way the danger of the electrical current when one does not observe the basic safety rules. Our goal is to teach them how to behave in different situations when handling with electricity.”

Kubanenergo reminds that it is strictly forbidden to approach a broken wire of a power line closer than 8 meters, even if it hangs on a tree (a broken wire emits invisible concentric circles of lethal voltage); make selfie near power lines and electrical equipment; throw objects on the wires and electrical systems; climb electricity towers or poles; open doors of transformer units; use defective electrical appliances and repair appliances while they are plugged in; tie washing lines to a water pipe located under power lines; work with radio and television antennas installed on the roof near power lines; conduct construction and other works under transmission towers; hammer nails or drill the wall in places with buried wiring.
