More than 230 power facilities repaired in Adygea power district

More than 230 high-voltage and distribution power facilities were repaired in Adygea branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group) within the frameworks of repair programme of 2016.

Our engineers repaired 30 units of high-voltage equipment– overhead power transmission lines and substations. Parts of ground wires and insulators on the overhead lines were replaced, pylons were adjusted and protected zones were cleared from scrubs. They also repaired, maintained, painted the main and supporting equipment, including drying and clearing of transformer oil.

In rural settlements Kubanenergo repaired 200 units of distribution equipment, replaced outdated pylons, wires, switchers, insulators, crossarms and other equipment.

Vladimir Papukov, director of Adygea power, commented: “We performed technical and organizational events of repair programme as per schedule and in some cases even ahead of the schedule. For example, clearing of high-voltage routes was performed ahead of the schedule. Total area of cleared right-of-ways was more than 120 hectares. Preparation of power facilities to peak loads is the most important part of Company’s activity on providing reliable power supply for the customers.