Kubanenergo is a leader among the largest energy companies in the Southern Federal District

Under the auspices of the X Interregional forum of the biggest companies of the Southern Federal District that has just finished in Krasnodar, the Expert-Yug magazine awarded leaders of the largest companies of the region. An affiliate of Rosseti, Kubanenergo PJSC was acknowledged the first-rate energy company of the Southern Federal District.

Participation in the rating of “Expert Yug-250” has no economic sector restrictions. It includes companies representing almost all major areas of the economy of the south of Russia. The purpose of the project is to provide an overview of the economic sectors of the region, indicate the most important growth point of the southern economy as well as to evaluate the contribution made by the leading companies to the economy of the South.

Traditional methodology has been applied to selection of the largest companies of the Southern Federal District. The volume of production (services) was adopted as the main criterion for the rating of “Expert Yug-250” in 2016. For the preparation of the rating the magazine used information provided by the Federal State Statistics Service and the Federal Tax Service, presented in the Professional Market and Company Analysis System (SPARK) of the “Interfax” agency, the official information on the results of business activity of public companies, published in annual reports, companies’ profiles.

The tenth Forum has become the biggest in the history of the project by the number of experts involved and the variety of topics. In total, this year more than three hundred people took part in the Forum: government officials, heads of medium and large enterprises of the Southern Russia, public organizations, support funds, business associations, and representatives of the financial and expert communities.

More than 30 speakers from the leading companies of the South of Russia and regional authorities made reports on 4 thematic sessions and plenary meetings.

The award ceremony of the largest companies of the South of the country – the winners of “Expert Yug-250” rating took place at the plenary session of the Forum. Eugeniy Pervyshev, acting mayor of Krasnodar, congratulated the leaders of the south Russia with these high achievements, thanked the participants and organizers for their activity, productive work, and noted the special services of Krasnodar companies that were included in the rating.