Over 1.5 thousand new consumers connected to networks of Kubanenergo in Slavyanskiy district

Starting this year engineers of Slavyanskiy branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group) have connected more than 1.5 thousand new customers to the networks in Slavyanskiy, Krasnoarmeiskiy and Temryukskiy districts of the Krasnodar region.

About 90% of them are household consumers. Among the new consumers from industrial sector, there are farmers who specialize in various sectors of agricultural production, service facilities, and resort infrastructure.

In addition, our engineers fulfilled applications for increase in capacity of power devices for 497 homes and businesses. Since the beginning of the year, the total connected capacity has exceeded 33 MW.

- Connection of new customers to the networks of Kubanenergo and increase of capacity of the previously connected customer will contribute to the dynamic development in all spheres of life of these settlements: increase in housing construction, expanding production, improving of service sector, improving the quality of life of the population, - said Eugeniy Rud, director of the Slavyanskiy branch of Kubanenergo.