Kubanenergo invested over 31 million rubles in maintenance of power network in Slavyanskiy district

During the first 9 months of 2016, Kubanenergo PJSC (Rossetti group) invested 31.7 million rubles to repair and upgrade the main and distribution networks in Slavyanskiy, Krasnoarmeiskiy, and Temryukskiy districts of Krasnodar region.

Kubanenergo overhauled more than 64 km of 35-110 kV overhead lines, performed repairs at 110 kV substations “Slavyanskaya”, “Galitsina”, “Tamanskiy” and 35 kV substation. At 55 substations our team of engineers overhauled equipment.

Much attention was paid to distribution networks of Slavyanskiy, Krasnoarmeiskiy, and Temryukskiy districts – Engineers repaired over 190 km of transmission lines and 29 transformer substations and cleared 10 hectares of line right-of-ways from trees and vegetation.

Evgeny Rud, Director of the Slavyansk branch of Kubanenergo, said: “Implementation of all the planned activities of the repair programme for the current year is one of the major tasks facing our branch. The main activities have been implemented, but the work is not yet completed. We will continue to invest in repair and maintenance of power grids all necessary resources, efforts and money. This means that the power supply homes and businesses will be safe and reliable.”