A Fire Safety Day was held in Timashevsk branch of Kubanenergo

Subdivision of Kubanenergo PJSC branch “Timashevsk power grids” (Rosseti group) conducted a Fire Safety Day.

Specialists of Timashevsk power grids tested the employees on adhering the rules of fire protection. Warehouses with petrol, oil and lubricants, and mobile repair shops were examined. Workability of fire protection, fire detection and fire alert systems was assessed.

- It is easier to prevent emergency than to deal with its consequences. That is why we pay attention to timeliness and quality of briefings on fire protection, presence of prohibition and information signs, and serviceability of first-hands firefighting means at subdivision and at the power facilities, - told Sergei Sobolev, Director of “Kubanenergo” PJSC branch Timashevsk power grids.

Specialists of the branch checked the availability of first-hand firefighting means, dielectric bolts and gloves in vehicles of emergency team. Emergency and repair teams trained their firefighting skills on the base of Kanevskiy.