Kubanenergo employees visited a workshop on new approaches in cable lines diagnostics

Over 30 employees of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rossetti Group) participated in a workshop “Modern approaches in diagnostics of cable lines, power transformers and substation equipment”; the event took place at the production facilities of the Krasnodar branch of the company in Krasnodar.

In a welcoming speech to the participants of the workshop, Anatoly Kurkaev, deputy chief engineer of Kubanenergo PJSC, stressed the importance and necessity of implementing effective electrical diagnostic system that solves a range of problems – from energy safety to reduction of operation and maintenance costs of cable lines.

The programme of the workshop consisted of theoretical and practical parts. A representative of the company-supplier of mobile electrical laboratories presented an overview of the energy sector innovations in diagnostic equipment, condition assessment methods and diagnostics of cable lines. In the second part of the workshop the participants were introduced to a new mobile electro-technical laboratory of domestic production “Rusich”, it is equipped with the most modern devices. The laboratory allows us to solve a range of problems without being confined to stationary equipment.

Ivan Pinchuk, head of cable lines service of Krasnodar electric networks, participants of the workshop, said: “Mobile electro-technical laboratories are essential equipement for the most challenging and important tasks. They allow you to quickly diagnose the cable line, carry out high voltage tests and, if necessary, locate and determine the location of cable faults on the track. In addition, the searching equipment allows making a topographic “binding” and tracing the cable line afield.