Kubanenergo conducted electrical safety campaign in Armavir

On the first few days of summer specialists from Armavirskiye electric networks Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group) conducted campaign “Stay Safe in the Summer Holidays”. The aim of this campaign is to attract attention to safety tips to avoid electrical injury among children and teenagers.

The event took place in a local park. Our employees handed out leaflets, bookmarks and souvenir magnets with explanations of how to stay safe around electricity and handle safely electrical equipment.

This campaign caught the interest of citizens. The adults pointed out relevance of the problem and children studied these leaflets with great interest.

Teenagers’ attention was caught by demonstration of first aid for electrical shock on robot dummy; they all were eager to try cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the dummy.

Rustam Magdeyev, head of Armavirskiye electric networks, said: “Except lessons that we regularly conducts at schools, we also organize such campaigns in parks, on the streets in order to deliver the knowledge to as much people as possible.”