Kubanenergo participated in a round-table discussion on repayment discipline in the housing and utility sector of the region

Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group) took part in the discussion “Arrears: how to improve the situation in the housing and utility sector of the Krasnodar region?” The meeting, organized by “Commercant-Yug Russia”, took place on 2 June 2016 in Krasnodar.   

During the discussion, representatives of the local authorities, participants of the energy market of the Krasnodar region and invited experts considered a number of issues related to the laws improving payment discipline. The agenda of the meeting included such questions as: “How Federal law “On amendments made to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation concerning the enhancement of payment discipline among consumers of energy resources” is implemented?” or “How to solve problem of cash deficiency and how to synchronize payments between grid companies, public utility and consumers?”

In the context of the discussion Edgar Armaganyan, first deputy director general of Kubanenergo PJSC, also addressed the problem of restriction of electricity supply for non-payment: “In 2015-2016 more and more companies stopped paying for the consumed electricity, among these companies there are lots of those that fall under the category of the organizations for which the restriction of electricity supply may lead to severe economic, environmental and social consequences. In accordance with the legislation it is prohibited to cut-off power supply for such companies.”

Увпфк Armaganyan also drew attention of the participants to the increased incidence of non-contractual electricity consumption, electricity theft by unauthorized connection to the grids of Kubanenergo, noting that “thanks to the systematic measures of all departments of Kubanenergo on fight against non-contractual consumption of electric energy, the number of such offenses decreases annually, but it is, unfortunately, not true for non-metered consumption.”

To deal with unauthorized energy consumption is important not only because Kubanenergo bears losses but also because unauthorized connection causes electricity losses, reduces electrical line voltage, which in its turns leads to lowering of quality of power supply to consumers, including socially important, and it violates the basic industry principle – reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity.