South-western branch of Kubanenergo conducted electrical safety lessons for 1.5 thousand schoolchildren

Starting  this year employees of South-Western electric networks, branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group) have conducted electrical safety lessons for over 1500 children in 33 city and rural schools in five districts of the region included in responsibility area of the branch  - Abinsky, Krymsky, Anapasky, Gelendzhikskiy and Novorossyisky district.

Such lessons are meant to prevent electric shock injuries among children and teenagers. To engage children in the workshop, capture their imagination and keep them involved our specialists used various devices and materials: multimedia presentations, cartoons and colourful posters that explain children in easy way the basics of handling with electricity.”  

Demid Sokolov, 5th grader from cadet school, said: “I now know the most important thing that you cannot approach or touch a broken wire and play near transformer unit. If a person received electric shock, it is necessary to call 112 for an ambulance and find adults who can render first aid.”  

Our specialists included another important advice to their lessons – they told children about the danger of taking selfies near power facilities. They explained that taking selfies near power facilities can lead to accidents or even become the last one.

Lev Pivovarov, chief specialist of department of education in Anapa, pointed out: Prevention of injuries from electricity among children is of uttermost importance. Moreover, when such information is delivered by professionals, people who are actually occupied in the sphere of power industry, the children pay more attention to it and process information better.”

During the summer holidays specialists of Kubanenergo are going to visit recreation camps and health centres for children.

To apply for the electric safety lesson, please, go to our official web-site.