Our teams inspected 10 high-voltage power lines in Krasnodarskiy district

Teams of Krasnodar branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (“Rossetti” Group) have inspected 10 high-voltage power lines in Krasnodarskiy, Severskiy and Dinskoy districts of the region.

The specialists inspected 35 and 110 kV power lines of total length of 15 kilometres. During the inspection they checked insulator mounts and fittings, the pollution on insulators, the state of the upper parts of the supports and the condition of the wires. To prevent emergency situations in the protected zones, the teams have also trimmed trees and cleared from vegetation the area around power lines.

Vladimir Bezugly, chief engineer of Krasnodarskiye electric networks, says: “Inspection of power lines is carried out at least once every six years. During these works the line is cut off and grounded. Such inspections allow you to quickly identify and eliminate disruptions in electrical equipment, ensuring reliable power supply to consumers."