Power engineers conducted safety lessons for cadets

The team from South-Western electric grids, branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti Group), taught schoolboys from cadet school named after Starshinov in Pyatikhatka village, Anapa district safety rules and told about the dangers of electricity.   

The children learned simple but vital electrical safety rules that are important for their well-being. They were explained how to use home appliances and why it is dangerous to be near broken wires or play near substations and transmission towers. Schoolchildren have become more sophisticated and use smartphones and other gadgets now, so the specialists included another important advice to their lessons – they told children about danger of taking selfies near power facilities. They explained that taking selfies near power facilities can lead to accidents or even become the last one.

Dmitry Golovakha, head of South-Western electric grids, said: “Such lessons and workshops ensure that the children act responsibly near electricity installations.   To engage children in the workshop, capture their imagination and keep them involved, our specialists used various devices and materials: multimedia presentations, cartoons and colourful posters that explain children in an easy way the basics of handling with electricity.”  

Being a company with high social responsibility, Kubanenergo places high emphasis on prevention of injuries from electricity among adults and children. Starting this year the branch has already conducted 300 safety lessons in 140 schools in five districts of branch’s operation – Novorossiysk, Anapa, Gelendzhik. Krymsk and Abinsk districts.