Kubanenergo: construction and installation works on “Adygeiskaya”substation are 65% complete

Specialists of Krasnodar branch of “Kubanenergo” PSC (Rosseti group) have accomplished 65% of construction works on new 110kV substation in Adygeisk, Adygea Republic. The substation will provide additional capacity for Adygeisk and Teuchezhsky district and help enhance liability level of electric power system in the Republic of Adygea.

So far our power engineers have accomplished a set of construction and installation works, like preparation of foundation, installation of main power facilities, relay protection and automation devices, communication systems. They have also installed two 16MVA each power transformers with  microprocessor-based voltage control systems, constructed 110kV outdoor switchgear.

In total the company will invest 461 million rubles in this project.

Bislan Nekhai, city council member, said: “Decision to construct new substation is the one of strategic importance. “Adygeiskaya” substation is necessary for life, development of infrastructure and increase investmentattractivenes of Adygeisk and  Teuchezhsky district.”

The company plans to accomplish contraction works and commission the substation in summer 2016.