Kubanenergo will repair 22 substations in Labinsk power district

Employees of Labinsk power networks of “Kubanenergo” PJSC (“Rosseti” group) will repair power equipment of 22 high-voltage substations in Labinsk, Kurganinsk and Mostovskoi districts of Krasnodar region.

Power engineers will maintain seven 35-110 kV substations: “Mostovskaya”, “Mirniy”, “Stepnaya”, “Prokhladnaya”, “Unarokovo”, “Novoalekseevskaya” and “Kavkaz”. These substations supply will electric energy 49 thousand customers and 43 socially significant facilities of Kurganinsk, Novoaleksevskaya, Mirniy, Stepnoi, Prokhladniy, Mostovskoi, Unarokovo, Urmiya and Severniy villages.

In 2016 power engineers will repair equipment of 22 high-voltage substations.

- Planned complex of events is aimed to increasing useful life of equipment and providing of reliable and interrupted power supply to customers, - said Yegor Voitsekhovskiy, chief engineer of Labinsk branch.