On-line poll from national business initiative to estimate conditions for running business in Russia

Four years ago independent non-profit organization “Agency for Strategic Initiatives” (hereinafter - ASI) started implementation of the National Business Initiative aimed at improvement of conditions for business in our country. For the first time entrepreneurs started working with “road maps” (plans aimed at improvement of the investment climate in Russia) together with government agencies and expert community.

Within this project the Government of the Russian Federation has elaborated and approved 11 “road maps” that include decrees meant to facilitate business procedures in our country. Innovations took place in such important spheres for business operation as facilitation and cheapening of grid connections, registration of legal entities and property rights, construction, customs regulation, access to purchases of state-owned companies, etc.

To assess the effectiveness of the implementation of “road maps” the Agency for Strategic Initiatives conducts Russian online survey to assess the business environment in Russia.

Are laws implemented effectively? Is the work of government agencies at federal and regional levels aimed to reduce the number and cost of administrative procedures successful? Only an entrepreneur, who faces every day administrative barriers, can appreciate how easier it has become to conduct business. The ASI invites entrepreneurs to participate in the analysis of the effectiveness of measures taken to improve the investment climate.

You can fill-in the questionnaire at investklimat.rf. The survey will continue till March 15, 2016.