Adygea branch discusses occupational safety

Adygeya branch of “Kubanenergo” PJSC (Rossetti group) held a meeting dedicated to occupational safety and accident prevention. According to the relevant services, the company's expenditures on the occupational safety in the past year amounted to more than 11 million rubles.

The company purchased personal protective equipment, workwear, fire safety materials, held deratization of premises, assessed the working conditions, took measures to improve general working conditions and held other events. The company's employees have passed the regular medical examination. The company also organized training on first aid in case of accidents at work.

The branch underwent unscheduled and scheduled inspections aimed to check the implementation of safety rules, the inventory of personal protective equipment and workwear. Experts tested the compliance with safety regulations when working at power facilities.

Particular attention was paid to a comprehensive programme to reduce the risk of injury to third parties. The company prepared and published in the media notifications of a warning nature, distributed memos among teachers and students, customers, agricultural, construction and other enterprises, fishermen. More than 1.5 schoolchildren visited lectures on electrical safety.