Employees of Sochi branch of Kubanenergo received a reward from RF Ministry of Energy

The employees of Sochi branch of “Kubanenergo” (part of Rosseti group) who participated in the rescue and recovery works during the June floods in Sochi, have received rewards for the Ministry of Energy.

Andrei Andronov, deputy chief engineer for operation of the distribution network, and Boris Strelnikov, head of the Adler  district electric grids, received from the RF Ministry of Energy the letter of gratitude for the high professionalism and dedicated work, that the employees showed during the rescue and recovery work in the Sochi energy district in the period of liquidation of consequences of natural disaster that happened on 6 June 2015.

In addition, more than 100 employees of Sochi Electric Networks were awarded with letters of thanks from “Kubanenergo” PJSC. The awards were presented at a ceremonial meeting of the company’s employees.

Edgar Armaganyan,  first deputy general director - Director of Sochi electrical networks, branch of Kubanenergo PJSC  said: “Power industry is the basic industry, so you have a special responsibility, your work is being observed carefully by many ministries and departments. Today's awards have once again proved that there are people in Kubanenergo who are ready to cope with the tasks of any complexity. Thank you for your work, for the dedication and devotion to your profession!”