Kubanenergo repaired over 120 kilometres of power lines in Krasnodar region

As a part of Repair Programme 2015 specialists of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group) overhauled over 120 kilometres of power lines of various voltage  types in Krasnodar region.

During the overhaul the company’s engineers replaced over 400 electricity pylons of 0.4-110kV power lines. They cleared 450 hectares of trees and vegetation around power lines. Mainly the company carried out these works by using its own resources and without attracting contractors.

Within the period of repair works our teams also replaced elements of power lines – insulation, overhead ground-wire cables, bare conductors, crossarms, etc.

Evgeniy Rud, head of Krasnodarskiye electric grids, branch of Kubanenergo PJSC, said: “The Repair Programme 2015 was implemented in full and in due time. Some activities of the repair programme were carried out ahead the schedule.”