About 6.5 thousand new electricity meters were installed in Adygea

In order to reduce commercial and technical losses in electricity distribution and to ensure safe power supply to customers, our team from Adygea branch of Kubanenergo PJSC (Rosseti group) installed about 6.5 thousand electricity meters and replaced over five thousand service drop wires in 2015.

During the installation of the meters our specialists replaced over five thousand outdated meters and fitted in about one and a half thousand new ones. All electricity meters have accuracy class 2.0 and higher, meet the requirements and will provide efficient energy accounting.

For the service drop wires specialists of Adygeiskiye electric grids used a high-tech self-supporting insulated conductor. It significantly reduces electricity losses, excludes the possibility of short circuits and unauthorized use of electricity, and it is tamper resistant as well. This wire increases quality of power supply and prevents electric shock.

As a part of the Programme of Kubanenergo PJSC on energy saving and enhancement of energy efficiency, the company installed new electricity metres in the settlements of Apsheronsky and Belorechensky districts of Krasnodar region, Giaginsky, Maikopsky, Koshekhablsky, Kranogvardeisky Shovgenovsky districts of Adygea, as well as in suburbs of Maikop.