Slavyansky branch of Kubanenergo connected over 2.8 thousand new customers to the Company grids

In 2015 Slavyanskiye electric grids, branch of “Kubanenergo” PJSC, concluded 2.8 thousand contracts for technological connection and increase of consumed capacity. In total, over 2.8 new customers were connected to the networks of Kubanenergo.

Customer centres and offices in Slavyansky, Krasnoarmeisky and Temryuksky districts received 2721 applications for technological connection in 2015. Of all the applications about 80% are new customers that decided to connect their facilities to the networks of Slavyanskiye electric grids, branch of “Kubanenergo” PJSC.

During 2015 the specialists of Customer service centres received and processed applications on various issues related to power supply, they provided personally or by phone over 23 thousand cons Лично и по телефону предоставили более 23 тысяч консультаций.

Customer service centres of Kubanenergo provide services on "one-stop-shop" principle. Here customers can obtain information on the procedure of grid connection to electric grids, handling documents, filing applications, as well as make a written request on additional services.

In order to get a consultation from our specialists of Customer service centres in Slavyansky, Krasnoarmeisky and Temryuksky districts, please, visit us at the following address: 49 Stroitelnaya street, Slavyansk-na-Kubani, phone (86146) 4-31-14, e-mail: