Kubanenergo automates electric energy metering system in the region

In 2015 employees of Tikhoretsk branch of “Kubanenergo” PJSC (“Rosseti” group) installed more than 550 “smart” electric meters on the territory of Tikhoretskiy, Krylovskoy, Novopokrovskiy and Beloglininskiy districts of the Krasnodar region.

Modern “smart” electric meter of automated information-metering system for commercial account of electric energy is actually a mini-computer that accounts kilowatt-hours and also has several additional functions. The main advantage of such meter for customers is that it help save expenditures on electric energy, it recognizes short circuit and cuts the electric energy in case of short circuit. New meters also protect devices from voltage drops. Meter readings are collected remotely by using special equipment.

The advantages of new devices were appreciated by customers and power industry workers.

It is the best way for the grid company to control individual consumption of electric energy and usable capacity remotely and in real time. Complexity of installation and lack of direct access to metering devices allow to minimize possibility of unauthorized connection and falsification of actual amount of electric energy consumption.

In 2015 employees of Tikhoretskiye electric networks installed more than 550 modern meters. In the near future Kubanenergo plans to install more than 10 thousand modern meters for customers in five districts.