Aleksandr Gavrilov, Director General of Kubanenergo, received a state award

Arkadiy Dvorkovich, deputy chairperson of Government of Russian Federation presented to Aleksandr Gavrilov, Director General of “Kubanenergo” PJSC the second-class medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland. Awarding ceremony was held in Moscow as part of reception of Ministry of Energy of RF related to celebration of Power Engineer’s Day. Aleksandr Gavrilov was awarded of state award for good work and dedicated work.

Decree of V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation on awarding of A. Gavrilov, Kubanenergo head was signed in October of 2015.

Aleksandr Ilich Gavrilov headed “Kubanenergo” PJSC in March of 2013. Previously he worked as deputy Director General in charge of economics and finances of “Krasnodarregiongaz”; deputy head of administration of Krasnodar region in charge of industry, transport and power industry. He headed “Kubanenergo”, “IDGC of the South” PJSC. Honored worker of Fuel and Energy Complex of Kuban, Honored worker of power industry, he was awarded with rewards and certificates of RF President, RF Ministry of Energy, the Federation Council. Doctor of economic sciences.



Medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland is state award of the Russian Federation instituted by Decree of the president of the Russian Federation in 1994 and made of silver. Image of order’s sign “Merit for the Motherland” is on the front side. The motto “Benefit, honour and glory”, date of medal institution (1994) and embossed image of branch of the laurel and number of medal are on the rear side.