The Company put a stop to 27 facts of electric energy theft in Slavyanskiy district

During the summer months in the result of massive raids the specialists of Slavyanskiy branch of “Kubanenergo” PJSC (“Rosseti” group) have revealed and clamp downed on electricity theft committed by home and business owners on the territory of Slavyanskiy, Krasnoarmeisky and Temryuksky districts of the Krasnodar region.

Total amount of recorded illegal electricity consumption exceeded 2.3kW/h. Most of electricity thefts documented by our specialists occurred on the territory of Temryuk district, a place with a fast growing resort business. Generally, the consumers conclude contracts on power supply to their homes but in fact they have B&B hotels.

For all facts of thefts the acts were composed and the amount of damage caused to Kubanenergo by unfair consumers was calculated. According to preliminary calculations the damages exceeded 7.8 million rubles. In case of non-payment of debt in the specified period, the violators will have to undergo trial and pay for the legal costs as well.

“Kubanenergo” PJSC reminds that the current legislation of the Russian Federation provides criminal responsibility in form of restrain for 2 years for unauthorized use of electric energy. Please, bear in mind that unauthorized connection to power networks and tampering with metering devices impact on power supply quality and constitute life-threatening situation. Kubanenergo toll-free number 8-800-100-15-52. Free calls within Russia.