Kubanenergo alerts: stealing of power equipment is a penal action and life threatening

To reveal facts of stealing of power equipment under the programme on reduction of electric shock injuries, the employees of Kubanenergo PJSC have visited base metal recycling centres in village Saratovskaya of Goryacheklyuchevskoy district and discussed the situation with owners of recycling centres.

Specialists of Krasnodar electric networks, KubanenergoPJSC branch, told the enterprise owners about their liability for purchasing of stolen basic metals and iron (including those stolen from power facilities).

Power equipment of distribution power grid complex is often a target for thieves who get injured when trying to steal equipment or cause damage to other.

Kubanenergo encourages citizens of the region to report about electric energy and power equipment stealing, and also about suspicious persons and things, or any illegal activity happening near power facilities. To make such report call our hotline 8-800-100-15-52 (free call within Russia).