Specialists of Kubanenergo prepared 70 power facilities to winter in Labinsk district

Specialists of Public Joint-Stock Company “Kubanenergo” (“Rosseti” group) prepared more than 70 power facilities to winter and autumn period of 2015-2016 on the territory of Labinsk, Kurganinsk and Mostovskoi districts of Krasnodar region.

Power engineers of Labisnk branch of the Company have implemented the repair of 14 biggest main substations – 110kV substation – “Shedok”, “Rodnikovskaya”, “Promyshlennaya”, “Efironos”, “Upornaya” and nine 35 kV substations – “Semsovkhoz”, “Vysokaya”, “Petropavlovskaya”, “Mok”, “Krasnyi kut”, “Vladimirskaya”, “Besleneevskaya”, “Pervomaiskaya”, “LSSK”.

To prevent the flooding of pylons of the overhead lines “Perepravnaya-Besleneevskaya” and “M-1” the specialists of Labinskiy branch fulfilled the events on driving pile pipes.

Five hectares of trees and vegetation near the electricity networks that often cause short circuit and failure to supply customers with electric energy were trimmed or removed. Works were implemented on two 110kV high voltage lines of total length of 30 kilometers.

To provide stable operation of 0.4-10kV distribution network 24 package transformer substations and more than 20 overhead lines were repaired.

The organizational and technical measures on preparation of power facilities to autumn and winter peak loads of 2015-2016 are taken in accordance with approved schedule of the repair programme of Kubanenergo.