Senator Vitaly Ignatenko has highly praised the contribution of Kubanenergo in rectification of the consequences of the natural disaster in Sochi

At the meeting of Public Council of the Olympic Legacy Department, Vitaly Ignatenko, member of the Federation Council for Krasnodar region, gave a high appraisal of actions of our specialists during the rectification of the consequences of natural disaster in Sochi.

Event was arranged to discuss and analyze the consequences of the flood that happened last month in Adlersky district. Among the participants of the Public Council were Dzhambulat Khatuov, first deputy governor, and Viktor Filonov, first deputy mayor of Sochi, representatives of Kubanenergo, representatives of service for housing and community amenities, deputy corps. The participants noted that the operational services of the city acted promptly and professionally. Vitaly Ignatenko highlighted the contribution of specialists of PJSC “Kubanenergo”.

- Thanks to the timely switching off of the substation "Yuzhnaya" our specialists managed to save electrical equipment and rid the city of prolonged mass blackouts. Electricity supply was restored very quickly, thus, it became possible to put to work the town utilities, said Vitaly Ignatenko.

We shall remind that the cause flooding in the Adler district of Sochi were the prolonged heavy rains and in the result settlements of the district were flooded. Heavy rainfall had led to a sharp rise in the water level and the river had overflowed its banks. In the early hours of the natural disaster a lot of energy facilities of the distribution network of the Adler district were under threat of flooding. For the purposes of public safety and to ensure the safe conduct of work, the experts of utility services and power engineers of Kubanenergo decided to manually de-energize substation "Yuzhnaya" and other energy facilities in the area of the floodingя. Power engineer undertook all operational measures for the speedy restoration of power. Early in the morning of June 26 specialists Kubanenergo put into operation equipment at substation "Yuzhnaya" in the Adler district of Sochi. On the night of 26 June, emergency repair teams of Kubanenergo switched on all power facilities that previously were in the area of flooding, and fully restored electricity supply to consumers.