Kubanenergo introduces modern electricity metering systems in Adygea

Under the project for reduction of electric power waste in the distribution grid, the specialists of Adygea branch of Kubanenergo (the Rosseti group) started an installation of automated measuring and information system for electric power fiscal accounting in Kelermesskaya village of Giaginskiy district, Adygea.

While introducing the system the specialists also plan to install 500 electricity meters “Energomera” which later will be connected via routers to the computer-based message system on energy cinsumption.

The transmitted to the server parameters on the amount and capacity of consumed electricity is systemized in the data collecting centre, then analyzed and after that a report is formed, which contains the information on each consumer of electric energy.

Along with this, the system functions as a safety device. In case of short-circuit and power-line surges, consumers are automatically disconnected that excludes the possibility of burnout of household appliances.

Previously, such works had been carried out in villages Chernyshev, Progress and Dondukovskaya in Giaginsky district, where 1.2 thousand homes and businesses were connected to the automated measuring and information system.

Events for the introduction of the systems were performed at the expense of PJSC “Kubanenergo” within the framework of Programme on energy saving and energy efficiency. Reduction of commercial losses in the distribution network is one of the most important activities of the Company, which main objective is to provide stable, reliable power supply to electricity consumers in the Krasnodar region and the Republic of Adygea.