Kubanenergo mobilizes auxiliary forces for repair works in Sochi power district

Kubanenergo focuses its attention and auxiliary forces on recovery works in power grid of Sochi district. A long period of heavy rains in Adler district of Sochi have caused flood and severely damaged networks and interrupted power supply in several settlements of the region. Rise of water table was caused by Mzymta river flooding.

In order to ensure functioning of grid facilities Sochi electric networks, branch of Kubanenergo, the management decided to send 25 teams of power engineers from 11 branches to the emergency site.

At the moment 70 power engineers from Sochi electric networks distributed in 20 teams are working on disaster clean-up operations at power grid facilities. Our specialists are supplied with all necessary equipment and materials, specials off-road vehicles. The Company has also attracted teams from contracting organizations.

Our specialists use backup power sources - diesel power stations, to provide power supply to facilities of public use.

It is to be recalled that, for the sake of safety of population and safe performance of works the public utility specialists had to shut off “Yuzhnaya” substation because of the flooding and therefore power supply to particular parts of Adler district was interrupted.

After flood decline our specialists will thoroughly examine facilities, perform repair works if necessary and preventive maintenance before switching the substation. Implementation of these activities is related to compliance with the electrical safety requirements for the personnel of Kubanenergo, and for residents of flood-affected areas.

Kubanenergo constantly monitors the situation and checks operation of equipment. The company has also established cooperation with hydro-meteorological services, local divisions of EMERCOM, administration of the region and districts. Also Kubanenergo called its crisis centre to monitor and control the situation.