Kubanenergo ensures reliable electricity supply of film festival Kinotavr

Specialists of Sochi branch of Kubanenergo JSC (Rosseti group) have taken a range of actions to enhance reliability of electricity supply of events held under the XXVI Russian film festival Kinotavr which is taking place now from 7-14 June in Sochi. 
Kubanenergo has arranged a 24/7 shifts of dispatchers, emergency and repair teams and designated individuals responsible for overall control. Engineers are working on high alert regime. 
They have conducted an unscheduled inspection of feeding lines and transformer units, checked the emergency stock, gave instructions and conducted drills for technical staff. Backup power sources - diesel power stations are all ready to be employed in case of any emergency.

In order to deal promptly with any issues the company has arranged cooperation with organising committee of the festival, municipal administration, law enforcement bodies and local divisions of civil defence and emergency situations.