Kubanenergo improves quality of power supply in Pavlovsky district

In the past few months specialist of Tikhoretsky branch of Kubanenergo (Rosseti group) have constructed and repaired about 20 overhead lines of 10./0.4KV in Pavlovsky district, Krasnodar region.

The total length of the repaired lines is 5.5 kilometers. During the works power engineers of Tikhoretskiye electric grids replaced over 120 pylons, 530 insulators and around 19 kilometers of wire, they also replaced 150 outdated service drop wires with 3 kilometres of the new hi-tech self-supporting insulated conductor. This sort of wire greatly reduces the number of accidents and essentially eliminates the possibility of tapping the line. These activities are meant to increase quality of power supply to vililages Novoleushkovskaya, Veselyaya, Krasnopartizanskoye and Uporny.

Also starting this year our specialist shave reconstructed and installed three additional transformers and over 2 kilometres of overhead lines in Pavlovsky district. Thanks to that there appeared a technical capability for connection of new customers to grids as well as the reliability of electricity supply was greatly increased in rural settlements (Pavlovskaya, Veselaya, Atamanskaya, Novopetrovskaya villages).

The range of activities carried out by Kubanenergo shall significantly increase the capacity of equipment and its efficiency as well as improve quality of electricity supply to rural settlements of Pavlovsky district.