Kubanenergo improved quality of power supply to 30 thousand customers in the north of the region

In preparation of the Kuban grid complex to autumn-winter season and as part of the repair programme 2015, specialists of Leningradskiy branch of Kubanenergo (Rosseti group) have completed repair of high-voltage substations in Yeiskiy and Leningradskiy districts of the region.

Engineers of Leningradskiye networks, branch of Kubanenergo, installed 25MVA transformer at the 110kV substation “Yeisk 1”, they replaced 1.8MVA transformer at 35kV “Plodoovosch” substation with a transformer of larger capacity. To ensure stable and reliable power supply our specialists installed control cables, power and instrumentation cables, completed busbar bridge and carried out maintenance and inspection of substation equipment.

To increase reliability of 35kV “Korzhi” and “Limanskaya” substations engineers have completed maintenance works and installed intrusion detectors.

These power facilities are the key feeding centres for about 30 thousand customers, 13 socially significant facilities located in 4 settlements of the northern part of the region.

The range of activities carried out by Kubanenergo should greatly increase reliability and quality of power supply to consumer during the peak loads of autumn-winter period.