Kubanenergo and NESK signed a cooperation agreement

Kubanenergo JSC (Rosseti group) and NESK-electric grids JSC have recently concluded an agreement in cooperation to prevent and eliminate consequences of accidents on grid facilities in the region. The document was signed as part of programme of emergency cooperation being implemented by Rosseti JSC.

This Programme presupposes mutual help of grid companies located in the same or neighbour regions. The aim of the programme is to reduce time of restoration works and eliminate the consequences of accidents as soon as possible. The agreement presupposes the joint use staff, materials, equipment, emergency backup equipment and special vehicles as well as other resources. Similar programmes are being implemented by IDGC of the South and Donenergo, IDGC of Siberia and Grid company of Irkutsk as a pilot programmes.

- The main aim of this agreement is to combine efforts in restoration of power facilities and making collaborative decisions necessary for improvement of power supply and prevention of possible financial and physical damage to consumers, said Dmitry Ryazantsev, chief engineer of Kubanenergo JSC. Power disturbances occur manly because of unfavorable weather conditions, natural disasters, therefore energy supply to customers of all grid companies located in the region are affected by weather conditions. Besides, it should be borne in mind that some districts of the region are located in zones of unstable weather conditions, it means that reliable power supply to customers is under increased risk. That is why agreement on cooperation and mutual aid between Kubanenergo and NESK-electric grids appears to be of great value.