Kubanenergo repaired 44 kilometres of power transmission lines in the 1st quarter of 2015

Over the past few months of 2015 Kubanenergo (Rosseti group) has carried out a range of activities to increase quality and reliability of power supply to customers in the Krasnodar region and the Republic of Adygea and exceed the planned volume of works under the Company’s Repair programme.

Engineers of Kubanenergo repaired around 45 kilometres of overhead power lines and cable lines of various voltage, as well almost 50 transformer substations. They also cleared 15 hectares of power line routes from trees and vegetation.

It is important to note that the works were mainly performed sing own sources without attracting contractors.

The set of administrative and technical activities implemented annually as part of repaired programme will help ensure customers continue to receive a reliable power supply in the Kuban region and Adygea during peak summer and winter loads, and also increase reliability of equipment and reduce the number of power system disturbances.